| Swedish Association of Ship Suppliers

Fighting for the interests of Swedish ship suppliers - since 1948.

| What we do

The Swedish Association of Ship Suppliers (SSHF) has fought for the interests of Swedish ship suppliers since 1948. We are continuously participating in discussions concerning VAT, customs, veterinary legislation and other regulations that affect our industry. As a member of OCEAN (The European Ship Suppliers Association) and ISSA (International Shipsuppliers & Services Association) we are also a part of international discussions and collaborations to secure our position on the global market.

If you have any questions or inquires we urge you to contact us!

| Misson

Our mission is to make sure that the interests of Swedish ship suppliers are protected. The members of our association should never have to be the target of unfair or unclear regulation and should always get to enjoy the right to fair trading conditions.

| Legislation & regulation

Our association help our members with legislation and regulation that might affect their businesses. 

| Community

We believe in building a strong national community for our industry. 

| International co-operation

We secure fair trading conditions of our members by being active members of ISSA and OCEAN.

| Members

| Gallery

If you want to read more about ship supply and the maritime industry we recommend visiting the websites below.


The International Ship and Service Association (ISSA) is a global organization that represents more than 2,000 ship providers all over the globe. The Association was founded in 1955, and 2015 marked its 60th year of providing services to the marine sector. ISSA has full membership from 40 different national organizations of ship suppliers across the world, and it also has associate membership in 51 more countries where there is no national organization.


OCEAN – the European Ship Suppliers Organization - is the voice of the ship supply industry of Europe. Founded in 1976 under the French Title “Organisation de la Communauté Européenne des Avitailleurs de Navires”, today OCEAN concentrates its work on achieving an optimum business climate for European ship suppliers and on strengthening the competitiveness of the industry as a whole.


IMO – the International Maritime Organization – is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine and atmospheric pollution by ships. IMO's work supports the UN SDGs.​